The Phazer Foilboard – WSW Review
Jim Gaunt jumped on the 65L Phazer 5’4″ for Wing Surf World, and this is what he had to say… “Ideal feel for strapped and strapless performance riding, while making life just easy enough for advancing intermediates to still make progress.” The AK Phazer is a one board-line solution for all your foiling needs, ranging from a tiny 3’11’’ (25L), […]
The Phazer Foilboard – Tonic Review
The Phazer blends our knowledge of pump, kite, surf, and wing foiling into a single board range, the one model quiver, for just about everything. Cross over multi-sport World Champion riders such as, Zane Schweitzer, Alvaro Onieva, and more recently Alex Pastor, another convert, have been instrumental in developing a product that covers everything from true entry-level […]